What’s in store for 2013

I suppose I could say that 2012 was a good year for me. I sold a novel, I sold two stories to Analog, and a novella to Giganotosaurus. I completed the Icefire trilogy and Shifting Reality. Book 1 of the Icefire Trilogy is currently ranked at 20 in fantasy at Kobo.

I hope for even bigger and better things for 2013. Here are few highlights:

– My novella The Shattered World Within will appear in Giganotosaurus in February. It is a story set in my space opera world and regular readers of my fiction will recognise names. This novella centres around the sociology of the Coldi people, who feature in my fiction publisher or yet to be published.

– My novel Ambassador will come out from Ticonderoga Publications in the second half of the year. This is one of those books that features Coldi people, and the above novella is a pretty good introduction to that part of the worldbuilding.

– My story Geospermia will appear in the May issue of Analog. For those who remember me talking about it, this is the “pandas on Mars” story.

– Short fiction: the barrel is completely empty and I haven’t had any inspiration to write short fiction for a while. I’m not promising anything in this department.

Trader's Honour– I will continue self-publishing. At the moment I’m writing a sequel for Watcher’s Web, which will be called Trader’s Honour. It is also set in my space opera world. This book will feature a new character and we will learn a lot about the nation of Miran.

– After I finished that book I may move onto book 3, which will probably be called Soldier’s Duty, or I may write a sequel to Ambassador first.

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