The Necromancer’s Daughter Official Cover Reveal


The Necromancer’s Daughter

The final volume in the For Queen And Country series is almost here!

The Necromancer’s Daughter concludes a six-part saga that is set in a fictional world based on 16th century Amsterdam. Except there is magic, and the Chinese turn up… in a steam ship.

As powerful kings, barons and dukes of all the little countries of the hinterland bicker over who gets control over these “iron ships”, they unleash their magicians to cut down their rivals, most importantly the port city of Saardam, which is falling into the hands of a religious sect, and whose royal family is weakened because the crown princess has died and her older brother was never considered suitable for the throne, because he’s not right in his mind.

Merchant’s daughter Johanna Brouwer had never considered marrying a prince, let alone a mad one, but it might just be the only way to save the royal family. Never mind that none of the surrounding rival royal families want them to survive.

The Necromancer’s Daughter becomes available on 23 February 2016. You can pre-order it at these sites:


The Necromancer’s Daughter Official Cover Reveal was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

Cover reveal: Ambassador 1: Seeing Red


Awesome artwork by Tom Edwards in the UK. Tom is becoming fast known for his signature style space art. He has done some amazing covers for fellow authors, as well as games and other illustrations. Way back when I started, he also did the cover for The Far Horizon.

I have waited to make this post, because I wanted to make sure that the cover was updated at Amazon, and they took their sweet time about it.

I’ve now placed the book, and the rest of the series in Amazon’s Select programme for a minimum of three months. Unlike my other series, the vast bulk of sales came from Amazon. I now means that you can buy it on Amazon, but if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can read it for free.

The next Ambassador book, The Sahara Conspiracy, will be done and off to the editor by the end of the week.

Cover reveal: Ambassador 1: Seeing Red was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

News: Shifting Infinity and Ambassador

Shifting InfinityIt’s been a while since I posted here, and I guess most of you will have seen that Shifting Infinity is now live.

See all the info with website links here.

Another tidbit of news I can probably share is that it looks like the Icefire Trilogy will be available in Spanish later this year. This will add significantly to my stable of translations, since This Peaceful State of War is available in Dutch.

I’ve bitten the bullet and commissioned new covers for the Ambassador series. This is mainly because I’m looking at making all books available in print, and I don’t have highres versions of the covers, and also because of Tom Edwards! He did the cover for The Far Horizon a few years back, and his artwork has developed from really good to amazing! I have the cover for book 1 ready, and will reveal it in a separate post once the new cover has been added to the ebook files.

Also about the Ambassador series:

I’m in the process of (probably temporarily) removing them from all non-Amazon outlets so that I can try out the new KDP Select. The sales of this series, in contrary to my other series, are very skewed towards Amazon, so I thought what the heck, let’s try it. This will be for a period of at least three months, but it will also mean that if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you’ll be able to get them for free. Otherwise, you can still buy them as normal.

The next book will be Ambassador 1a: The Sahara Conspiracy. This is a short novel in between book 1 and 2, set entirely on Earth, but with a good deal of extra-terrestrial fire power. I’m sorting out some backstory, but the book should be done within the next few weeks.

News: Shifting Infinity and Ambassador was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

Ambassador and Fire Wizard and other news

As you can see in the side bar, Ambassador 3 is now out everywhere. To celebrate this, I’ve made book 1 99c.

I’m going through all my book listings, streamlining the website links. I’ve signed up with Payhip, a self-serve payment system in lieu of running your own plug-ins and ebook delivery. They charge a very small percentage for the service, and take Paypal as well as credit cards. Gumroad, that I was using before, doesn’t accept Paypal (neither does Selz, a similar service that’s based in Sydney). If you take the Payhip option, you get an extra 25% off for sharing the link through social media.

I’m also listing all my books on DriveThruFiction.

Next will be Fire Wizard, book 4 of For Queen And Country. This book will go to the editor before the end of this week and should be available this month.

Here is another special: Book 1 of For Queen And Country is free everywhere. If you sign up for my new release mailing list, you get book 2 free as well!

It is very likely that after completing Fire Wizard, I will get serious about Shifting Infinity, after having left Melati and Ari and the others in limbo for over a year. Eight months have passed. Melati has completed her ISF officer training and Ari has signed up to the International Space Force and is becoming a flight technician aboard the large ship where they fled at the end of Shifting Reality. They’re hanging around in orbit close to New Jakarta station, but have been unable to return to it. They’re not entirely sure what goes on at the station save that it’s in the hands of Allion and the new command is making ever more bizarre demands and ultimatums.

Then they capture an independent merchant said to have come from the station. His story about the station is even more strange. The Allion-led command appears to be battling to get the ship’s computers under control and are struggling to keep the station functional. Melati is sent to talk to him, because “you’re brown, too”, but the man is not of Indonesian descent, and she suspects that he’s not a merchant but an Allion mole. But the plea for help that he brings on behalf of her relatives still on the station seems genuine. She and Ari are sent with a more official delegation to find out what is really going on in the limping station.

Ambassador and Fire Wizard and other news was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

The Idiot King is out!


 The Idiot King is out!

(click on hideously big text to be taken to the official page)

Go forth and buy lots of copies! And review them! And recommend them to others!


A few other specials and new releases:


The Idiot King is out! was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

Ambassador will be out soon

And a reminder that I don’t post at this blog anymore. If you want to follow me, you can do so via the blog on my author site.

This is a snippet from chapter 6 of Ambassador, from one of my favourite sections in the story. If you want to read the rest, you can pre-order the book. This page has all the ordering options.

I kissed Eva, said goodbye to her parents and followed the two guards into the rain.

Except the car wasn’t a regular driver-less taxi, but one of the very few privately-owned vehicles in the city. Nothing on the doors or windows alluded to its owner, except the driver, whose Coldi ponytail glittered in the street light. A gamra contact then, someone out of the database.

Shit. If they didn’t even trust taxis, something had happened indeed. The guard held open the door.

I settled in the back seat and forced a smile as I waved to Eva. Her face showed no concern, thankfully. No doubt everything would be fine, but just now, it would be nice if someone told me what was going on.

Doors slammed. The electric motor whined and we were off.

Mashara, I’m sure it is time to tell me what this is about. You are aware that I no longer have my feeder?”

The guard didn’t answer immediately; he was fiddling with his comm unit. The holo-screen lit his face with a bluish glow.

“Delegate.” He bent forward, peeling the earpiece off.

I attached the device to my ear.

Someone said, “Cory?” In that warm-hued tone between male and female. Coldi.

I recognised the voice. “Amarru.”

“Where are you now?”

“I just got in the car.”

“Tell the driver to avoid the city bypass.”


“Just tell him, right now.”

“All right.” I relayed the message. The driver grumbled that he was aware of trouble.

“Amarru, can you tell me what this is about?”

“First up, there is a car behind you.”

I looked over my shoulder, but saw only an empty street. “I know that.”

“There is also a group of police at the hotel, and there is a trap on the bypass. Our bugs are better than theirs, Cory.”

“Thank you.” I made every attempt not to sound sarcastic, but I felt sick. The concepts “ours” and “theirs” were becoming horribly blurred. “Does this mean I am being targeted now?”

“Have you heard the press release from the emergency council?”

“No. I was at a family dinner.” See? I shouldn’t have given in to Eva and kept my unit. I swear every time I had no communication I missed something important. Damn, damn it.

“The meeting only lasted about an hour and a half. Must be a record. Wait, I’ll read this out.” There was some rustling and clicking. “The Emergency council of Nations of Earth has declared that following the attack on President Sirkonen, member nations must ensure full cooperation to find and bring to trial the perpetrators, and have sanctioned the use of  all available  means in doing so…”

“All available means? But…”

“That means using armed forces if necessary.”

A chill went down my spine. “That could mean war.”

“Danziger has just declared a state of emergency for Rotterdam. Already, there’s riots in a number of places. People are looting shops owned by Coldi. And yes, the police want to talk to you. We’ve picked up some communication to that extent.”

“Shit. Are they going to give me the same treatment as Nicha?”

“I can’t answer that, but I have an offer: we can guarantee gamra protection on a flight that leaves for Athens in about an hour’s time.”

Leave Rotterdam. Now. That was ever as strong a suggestion as she had ever given me.

“I can’t. Not without Nicha.”

“I think Nixie is doing her best on that front. Nothing I can do; nothing you can do.”

I swallowed hard. “My luggage is at the hotel.”

Buying time, surely.

“That’s been taken care of.”

I glanced over the seat. My suitcase lay in the back.

Image of the Day is in in ruins

ruined city

Some more Terragen. More photography to follow once the calendar and elements cease to conspire against me. I have some awesome locations upcoming, but this week was a bit of a disaster (Whaddyamean you forgot to dial the ISO back from 4000 to 100? Whaddyamean you got LOST in Vaucluse? GRRR). Anyway. Maybe next week (Tuesday, not Monday), maybe the week after.

Meanwhile, I’m doing the pre-final edit of Soldier’s Duty. It’s coming together. A bit of stuff still to trim and shift and add (especially in the last quarter or so).

I also got my edits for Ambassador, so I’ve been working on that.

Some newsy bits:

I started a Facebook group for my ebook covers covers. Click and like if you’re interested.

I realised that The Shattered World Within was out of contract, so I put it on Amazon. Kobo is playing silly buggers with me and holding it in publishing. I’ve also put it on Smashwords.

And then, I discovered an old MG manuscript that I should do something with because it’s kinda hilarious and not far from being finished. How can I not do anything with a story that starts like this?

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Florian.

Uh-oh, you say, this is a fairytale, because they always start with “Once upon a time”.

And you’d be right, because it a tale about fairies. About evil fairies, and greedy fairies. You see, fairies are not all pretty with glittery wings and frilly dresses, but Florian didn’t know that yet.


Once upon a time there was a boy named Florian.

What sort of name is that, you’d ask? Which parent who loves their children would call a boy Florian? Jack, James, Morgan even, but Florian? That’s ridiculous, you’d say.

And all of the children in Florian’s class would agree with you.

Florian-the-sissy, they called him, or Florian fat-boy, and this is how, when this story starts, he jumped off the school bus alone, while his classmates jeered at him from the back seat.

The bus rumbled off, leaving Florian alone by the side of the road, with the nasty things they’d said still ringing in his ears. He wasn’t going to cry, he was not that sort of boy, but he didn’t know how to face his father about yet another jumper lost.

He crossed the road and slouched up the long driveway that led to his father’s caravan. Green fields stretched out on both sides of the muddy path, Mr MacDonald’s cows in one paddock, his father’s horse in the other.

Florian jammed his hands in his pockets, imagining what his father would say. He’d look at him with those stern eyes, and then he’d say, “Are you sure they threw your jumper in the creek?”

Florian would nod, and then, and this was the worst part, his father would push himself up, limp to the other side of the caravan, while his walking stick went tap-tap-tap on the floor, and he would draw the money tin from under the bed. He would give Florian a handful of coins, and say, “Now make sure you don’t lose it again.”

And then Florian would have to go into the uniform shop and dig in the old cardboard box that was shoved underneath the rack with brand new girls’ dresses, some still in plastic. He would have to untangle school pants with holes and jumpers that looked more purple than blue from washing them too many times. The worst thing about that box was that someone had scrawled “Recycling” on it, but what they’d really meant to write was Florian’s name, because no one got clothes from that box. It stank of mould, too.

Public service announcements

With the above image (taken at the lakeside walkway in Belconnen, Canberra), I officially announce autumn. A bit late, but it’s been warmer than usual. If you don’t see the image, it’s because you’re seeing this in the home page. Click on the post title and you will see it.

I suppose most of you will already know this, but in case you don’t, Trader’s Honour has finally trickled through all sites and is now available everywhere, even on Sony–although don’t ask me where the cover went. I suspect it will show up at some point in the future. Sony needs to pull up its socks, but that aside.

This page on my official author site details all the places where you can get it.

I’ve also taken delivery of print copies to sell at Supanova Sydney, where I will share a stand with fellow Kindleboarders Anya Allen and Selina Fenech. Both Anya and Selina are locals. We hope to meet Kindleboarder extra-ordinaire Colin Taber (from Perth) there, who is a true self-published Guest of Honour at the convention.

After the poll I did, I haven’t decided what the next project is going to be, so I’ve started on a couple:

I’ve made a start on Soldier’s Duty, book 3 of the Return of the Aghyrians series. In the style of the previous two books, this novel features a different main character. This character is Izramith Ezmi, and if you’re familiar with my world, you may get that she’s from Hedron. She’s one of the feared, veiled and heavily-armed guards. She’s very, very angry about something done to her family. The story offers a different perspective on the world, while we continue to follow the overall threads of the series: the sliding into total badassery of the Mirani council and the trials and tribulations of the extended Andrahar family. This is becoming an epic space opera!

I’ve also picked up a half-finished draft of a hard-SF novel set in the ISF-Allion world. This novel will show some of the reasons why ISF and Allion slid into war, and builds on some of the setting covered in His Name In Lights. The main character for this is a really weird guppy, a guy by the name of Fabio Velazquez, who is a poster child for why messing with artificial minds and artificial bodies is a Really Bad Idea.

I really need to write some short fiction and have started a Solaris Agency story (my WOTF-winning story was another such story). These are space-detective stories.

I am aware that there is a lot of stuff I haven’t started on, but Russ is threatening to send me edits for the novel and when they arrive, I’ll have to deal with those first, and I probably don’t need any further projects.

Patty writes hard Science Fiction, space opera and fantasy. Her latest book is Trader’s Honour, in the space opera series The Return of the Aghyrians. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date with new releases, remember to sign up for Patty’s new release newsletter.

News and what I’m doing at Conflux

willie wagtail

At Conflux, I will be like this Willie Wagtail: all over the place!

There is still time to register for my workshop Writing to Sell. In this workshop, I will cover a wide range of things related to taking the next step in your writing. There will be a lot about self-publishing, but also about submitting traditionally, and a lot about what things you can do before you get to the publishing stage. This workshop will run on the 25th of April. Book on the Conflux website. Every participant will get some freebies!

Directly after the workshop, I will take part in the self-publishing panel at 3pm.

After the official opening, I will be on the panel How essential is an editor, particularly for self-published authors? This will be at 10pm. I have some opinions on that which people may find odd.

On Friday the 26th, I’ll be on the Kissing in Space panel, which runs at 9pm. I’ve also bought a ticket for the banquet which runs at the same time, so if anyone wants to see me turn up to a panel in my gothic (very tight) dress, come to this one.

On Saturday the 27th, I have a table at the one-day market, where I’ll have copies of most of my books.

NEWSFLASH!! I will be reading from my fiction on Sunday the 28th at 9.30am. I’ve selected two pieces for this.

NEWSFLASH!! Copies of Trader’s Honour are starting to make their way through the system. I’ll advertise more when they have shown up in all the main stores. Currently on Smashwords, Amazon and Kobo. Click the image to the right to see the links and read a sample chapter.

Shattered World Within now on Giganotosaurus

My novella The Shattered World Within is now at the Giganotosaurus site run by buddy and fellow Foreigner enthusiast Ann Leckie.

This novella is set in the same world as my novel Ambassador which comes out later this year and deals with a very important sociological aspect in this world.

Here are the first few paragraphs:

The ship glided into the dock, into the care of grappling arms and snaking robotic leads.

Clang, click, contact.

The navigation hub flashed with the station control override. The screen showed a logo, but no inbound or outbound communication.

Seated next to the pilot, in the bluish glow of the controls, Zhyara didn’t realise how tightly he’d been gripping the edge of the seat, all the way while they’d drifted past the scratched surface of the station, all the way while he listened to the pinging of their unanswered broadbeam probes. His instinct, after being cut off from his associates on Zhiminda station for so long, ached for confirmation that personal networks were still intact.

“I think they could have provided some better damn light in here.” The pilot’s voice pierced the tense silence. The remark, no doubt intended to be light-hearted, fell flat. Everyone aboard the ship was tense.

“But I guess things could have been worse,” the pilot added into the heavy silence.

“Much worse,” Zhyara confirmed.

He breathed out tension. At least someone was still alive aboard the mining station. At too many other stations, they’d found nothing except dead husks of metal, where the emptiness of space had erased evidence of the living.

Read the rest