Ambassador 5 teaser


The picture speaks for itself. It’s not tranquil or peaceful, and entirely not free of danger.

So far, Cory has been bitten and put in hospital by a sewerage munching machine. And at this point in the story, everyone is telling him that the life of the dude he’s looking for is not worth the trouble.

Ambassador 5 teaser was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

Showing off all new covers for the Ambassador books





Do I need to add words to this to say how awesome they are? Click on images to learn more about each book, or go to my Amazon page.

All done by Tom Edwards. He will be working on book 4 Coming Home soon. I better hurry up writing The Dragon Prince (for which I also have the cover but will show off a bit later) so I can start on that book.

Showing off all new covers for the Ambassador books was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

Cover reveal: Ambassador 1: Seeing Red


Awesome artwork by Tom Edwards in the UK. Tom is becoming fast known for his signature style space art. He has done some amazing covers for fellow authors, as well as games and other illustrations. Way back when I started, he also did the cover for The Far Horizon.

I have waited to make this post, because I wanted to make sure that the cover was updated at Amazon, and they took their sweet time about it.

I’ve now placed the book, and the rest of the series in Amazon’s Select programme for a minimum of three months. Unlike my other series, the vast bulk of sales came from Amazon. I now means that you can buy it on Amazon, but if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can read it for free.

The next Ambassador book, The Sahara Conspiracy, will be done and off to the editor by the end of the week.

Cover reveal: Ambassador 1: Seeing Red was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

Because you like pretty pictures and random news

I haven’t been out to take photographs for a while, because on the last few Mondays, any of these things, or a combination, applied: 1. the weather was shit, 2. My husband wasn’t going on the 6am bus to Canberra, 3. We had floor sanders turn up early.

Meanwhile, I received this cool review for Ambassador

And I redesigned my author website.

And I experienced a massive fail in trying to get The Idiot King finished, because of the above-mentioned floor sanders (which required us to move all the furniture from where it had been stored during renovations to everywhere it had NOT been stored during renovations), painting the entire house, and also because I finished the manuscript and then didn’t like it. I’m changing a few things around

Also, I had wanted to put out my short stories for a while, but there are not (yet) enough for another anthology, so when Amazon came along with the Kindle Unlimited library, I decided to park them in there for a while. Of course this meant putting together some more covers. Two are below. These are for stories in the process of being uploaded or updated.  See the other stories here.

Party with echoes Where the plains

Because you like pretty pictures and random news was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

By pattyjansen Posted in art, news

Image of the Day is in in ruins

ruined city

Some more Terragen. More photography to follow once the calendar and elements cease to conspire against me. I have some awesome locations upcoming, but this week was a bit of a disaster (Whaddyamean you forgot to dial the ISO back from 4000 to 100? Whaddyamean you got LOST in Vaucluse? GRRR). Anyway. Maybe next week (Tuesday, not Monday), maybe the week after.

Meanwhile, I’m doing the pre-final edit of Soldier’s Duty. It’s coming together. A bit of stuff still to trim and shift and add (especially in the last quarter or so).

I also got my edits for Ambassador, so I’ve been working on that.

Some newsy bits:

I started a Facebook group for my ebook covers covers. Click and like if you’re interested.

I realised that The Shattered World Within was out of contract, so I put it on Amazon. Kobo is playing silly buggers with me and holding it in publishing. I’ve also put it on Smashwords.

And then, I discovered an old MG manuscript that I should do something with because it’s kinda hilarious and not far from being finished. How can I not do anything with a story that starts like this?

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Florian.

Uh-oh, you say, this is a fairytale, because they always start with “Once upon a time”.

And you’d be right, because it a tale about fairies. About evil fairies, and greedy fairies. You see, fairies are not all pretty with glittery wings and frilly dresses, but Florian didn’t know that yet.


Once upon a time there was a boy named Florian.

What sort of name is that, you’d ask? Which parent who loves their children would call a boy Florian? Jack, James, Morgan even, but Florian? That’s ridiculous, you’d say.

And all of the children in Florian’s class would agree with you.

Florian-the-sissy, they called him, or Florian fat-boy, and this is how, when this story starts, he jumped off the school bus alone, while his classmates jeered at him from the back seat.

The bus rumbled off, leaving Florian alone by the side of the road, with the nasty things they’d said still ringing in his ears. He wasn’t going to cry, he was not that sort of boy, but he didn’t know how to face his father about yet another jumper lost.

He crossed the road and slouched up the long driveway that led to his father’s caravan. Green fields stretched out on both sides of the muddy path, Mr MacDonald’s cows in one paddock, his father’s horse in the other.

Florian jammed his hands in his pockets, imagining what his father would say. He’d look at him with those stern eyes, and then he’d say, “Are you sure they threw your jumper in the creek?”

Florian would nod, and then, and this was the worst part, his father would push himself up, limp to the other side of the caravan, while his walking stick went tap-tap-tap on the floor, and he would draw the money tin from under the bed. He would give Florian a handful of coins, and say, “Now make sure you don’t lose it again.”

And then Florian would have to go into the uniform shop and dig in the old cardboard box that was shoved underneath the rack with brand new girls’ dresses, some still in plastic. He would have to untangle school pants with holes and jumpers that looked more purple than blue from washing them too many times. The worst thing about that box was that someone had scrawled “Recycling” on it, but what they’d really meant to write was Florian’s name, because no one got clothes from that box. It stank of mould, too.

Because Terragen

crystal lake

Terragen 3! And that is enough reason to make this post.

I should buy the commercial version so I can make Mars landscapes for book covers.

Also, there was no photography for the second week in a row. My husband drove to Canberra, taking away not only the reason for me to get up at 5am, but the car I need to drive to the sites as well.