Update on Book Whirl scam

Read this is you’re unfamiliar with this Book Whirl gig

I received another call today. This time, I had my wits with me, and asked the lady (whose English is quite atrocious) how the hell they got my phone number. She started sprouting some bullshit about Whois and that my phone number is listed there. Did I google my domain, the Book Whirl lady asked, and I’m sorry but I don’t spend all day googling myself, so after having told her firmly (without invocation of the f-word) that I did not appreciate this stuff, all the while interrupting her sales spiel, and getting off the phone, I looked up my domain at Whois.

Of course there is no phone number listed there. I would have been really surprised if there was. There isn’t even a country of residence listed there. Not even a domain owner listed there, although the domain name is the same as my name, so that kinda gives it away.

My theory stands: one of their employees used to work for Amazon and scammed the Amazon KDP author database.

The Book Whirl lady was further trying to sell me their author plans, and assured me they signed some “successful” authors. I’d love to know who signs for this kind of pushy tactic. Poor suckers who are clueless and unconnected to places where they can get info for free. Wonder how much they charge.

Really, people, I’m astonished that with the internet, with info at your fingertips, so many people still fall for scams like these, and that so  many people believe and follow the claptrap brought out by so called “marketing” setups that just take your money and do what you could do yourself for a hefty price. Not only that, because you care a lot more about your stuff than they are ever going to, you’re likely to do it much better.

Update on Book Whirl scam was originally published on Must Use Bigger Elephants

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